Japanese Culture

Japanese Culture
My New Passion - Origami

Origami is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding, which transforms a flat sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting techniques.

English Articles
Ramen-the History and What is It?

Ramen is a dish born from the influx of Chinese noodle cuisine into Japan and its fusion with Japanese food culture.

English Articles
Sutra Copying (Shakyo, 写経) - a Type of Meditation

Shakyo is an activity practiced as part of Buddhist practice and meditation, in which one copies Buddhist scriptures and doctrines and focuses one's mind on them.

English Articles
Japanese ”Kakeibo(家計簿)”- Showing Mine

Kakeibo is a traditional Japanese method of budgeting and personal finance management.
The term "kakeibo" translates to "household financial ledger" or "household account book."
